Lowtax 12/3/00 12:22 AM SMAH Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:22 AM YOU MISPELLED THAT SAID THE TROLLLLLLLLL Lowtax 12/3/00 12:23 AM SMAH Lowtax 12/3/00 12:30 AM tell me sir, do you have a few minutes you might spare for an informal survey? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:30 AM I suppose so... Lowtax 12/3/00 12:31 AM thank you sir. I work for a large company based in San Jaun. would you consider yourself an avid fan of horses? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:32 AM Sure, who isn't? I enjoy a day at the races like any normal fellow my age. Lowtax 12/3/00 12:33 AM thank you for your prompt response. Would you consider yourself a horse fancier, perchance? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:33 AM Nah, they're too creepy. But I do enjoy going down to the track and cheering them on. Lowtax 12/3/00 12:34 AM So you're most interested in profiting from their competitive nature? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:34 AM Profiting? What are you talking about? No, I make my money the old fashioned way. I work in a steel mill. Lowtax 12/3/00 12:35 AM And may I ask how many horses are employed and licensed to work at this mill? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:36 AM We only have two horses at the mill, Bessie and SlashX. They haul coal buckets to the metal pipe. They are unlicensed and we pay them two oats a week. Lowtax 12/3/00 12:37 AM Sir, are you aware it is illegal to employ the services of a coal-carrying horse without equipping it with a patented HorseDiaper? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:38 AM I don't care. I'm just a dapper guy making his weekly pay working hard and sweating and grunting. I don't own the damn factory and I hate the horses anyway, they think they're more important than your run-of-the-day steel stirrer. And they aren't. Look, I cheer for the horses at the track like a good American, but beyond that, I don't give a flying face. All they are is deer without the antlers and bigger snouts. Lowtax 12/3/00 12:40 AM Sir, you appear to be agitated. Do you perchance consume any narcotics, perscription or otherwise? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:40 AM No. Are you calling me a druggie, son? How dare you come into my rest stop on the information Superhighway and call me a drug-addled hippie! Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:51 AM ARE YOU CALLING ME A DRUGGIE SIR?!!?!? Lowtax 12/3/00 12:52 AM Sir, I am a female, and no, I was not inferring you are a druggie. Sir, may I inquire about your relationship with horses? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:53 AM I don't like we're you're going with this lady. I suggest you find another fellow to survey! Lowtax 12/3/00 12:53 AM Sir, have you ever rode in a hot air balloon? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:54 AM Yes. At the 1974 State Fair. Lowtax 12/3/00 12:54 AM Were their any horses aboard? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:55 AM NO! You're one ditzy broad! You can't fly with horses! What do you think this is, The Land of Oz? Lowtax 12/3/00 12:56 AM Sir, perhaps you are unaware of the remarkable achievements that were presented at the 1974 State Fair. Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:57 AM You mean like Fondue pots? I saw that. My ex even bought a couple of those shitty rustbuckets, but we only used them twice before they melted. Lowtax 12/3/00 12:57 AM Sir, are you aware for every dollar you spend, 18 horses die in smelting accidents? Fragmaster 12/3/00 12:58 AM I don't care. Wait, does that mean I'm losing money because horses are stupid? As if you people don't take enough out of my paycheck for taxes! Lowtax 12/3/00 12:59 AM Sir, I work for a nonprofit agency that rates the safety of various pushbrooms. I am not involved in public taxation. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:00 AM Then why are you asking me about horses? Do you use those silly little pushbrooms of yours to sweep away horseshit or some such nonsense. Besides, everybody knows that all pushbrooms are a 100% safe. Why are you wasting your life, and my time? Lowtax 12/3/00 1:02 AM Sir, you are unaware of the connection between horses and pushbrooms. Have you ever seen a horse in the same room as a pushbroom? You haven't. Do you know why? It's because of Canada's cold fronts. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:03 AM There are no cold fronts from Canada. The Great Lakes are what cause cold fronts. And I have seen a horse and a pushbroom in the same room at work, because we use the pushbrooms to sweep the meat that falls to the floor into the storm drains. Lowtax 12/3/00 1:04 AM Sir, that's what I want to speak with you about. Those are not Real Company Pushbrooms (tm), those are cheap Canadian imposters. Their safety rating is far below acceptible. You are at great danger by using those or even keeping them in the same location as you. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:05 AM Pushbrooms can't hurt me. I've used pushbrooms for years. And I'm as fit as a fiddle. Fit enough to throw your flabby ass off a balcony, I'm certain! Lowtax 12/3/00 1:07 AM Sir, you are unaware of the danger these pushbrooms present. Unsafe pushbrooms result in an alarming number of accidents! Just look at these governmentally-approved stats: 1974: 83 1978: 182 1997: 26% 2000: 29.19289222 mW 2008: (estimated) 4502 joules / coulomb If that doesn't wake you up to the threat, I don't know what will. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:08 AM You're off your rocker, nutty bitch! That's just gibberish and lies! Are you trying to brainwash me? If you were here right now I'd smash you across the face with your own Skillet! Lowtax 12/3/00 1:09 AM Sir, your hostile reaction is unsettling. You don't happen to work for Ned's Bowling Hut, do you? Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:10 AM Don't you listen? I work in a steel mill! This is the worst survey I've ever taken. Lowtax 12/3/00 1:10 AM How many hours do you spend working at Ned's Bowling Hut (estimation)? Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:11 AM This is licqurish. I refuse to answer any more of your questions. I work at a Steel Mill and I work hard. I'm not going to let some merrywidow mess with my noggin. Lowtax 12/3/00 1:12 AM Sir, when you sleep at night, do you ever hear creaking sounds which can't be attributed to your trick knee? Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:12 AM Yes I do, but isn't that just my shed settling? Lowtax 12/3/00 1:13 AM Sir, are you aware that sound is (in all probability) a horse riding a pushbroom on your roof? Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:14 AM What? Horses can't ride pushbrooms, and they can't fly. You're a trip! Lowtax 12/3/00 1:14 AM Sir, I have reason to believe you have previously lied to me about your trip to the 1974 World's Fair. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:15 AM You have called me a dimwit. You have called me a druggie. And now you're calling me a liar? What is your problem?! Don't you have common courtesy or an ounce of respect for the feelings of others? Lowtax 12/3/00 1:17 AM I'm just trying to aid you in your next decision to purchase a horse and / or pushbroom, sir. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:17 AM I don't need your charity. I think you should go now. Lowtax 12/3/00 1:17 AM Sir, I am reporting you to the Donaldson County Animal Alert Service. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:18 AM I don't live in Donaldson county. So it matters not. You'll never find out where I live. Lowtax 12/3/00 1:18 AM You live in Donaldson County. I used Magikarp to find this out. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:19 AM This Magicharp was inaccurate. I bid you good day, tramp. Lowtax 12/3/00 1:19 AM The next life that pushbroom takes may be your own, sir. Farewell. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:20 AM Fuck you Lowtax 12/3/00 1:20 AM You'll die, sooner or LADDER Lowtax 12/3/00 1:22 AM I don't know about those Team Barry guys Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:22 AM nope Lowtax 12/3/00 1:25 AM http://www.heathens.com/yes.gif Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:26 AM I totally agree Lowtax 12/3/00 1:28 AM Your site sucks Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:29 AM I don't have a site Lowtax 12/3/00 1:30 AM Yeah, that's why, because it would suck Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:31 AM CRASS :| Lowtax 12/3/00 1:31 AM lies Lowtax 12/3/00 1:38 AM Did you ever used to play Ikari Warriors 2? Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:40 AM The one with the bad digital sound? "LET'S GO" or something? Lowtax 12/3/00 1:40 AM Yeah, that was it. You're like on Mars or some alternate dimension or something. It was terrible. Fragmaster 12/3/00 1:40 AM yes Lots of flashing and bad tanks. I only played it at a friend's house. Lowtax 12/3/00 1:41 AM No tanks, just aliens.