Steve: Your Dungeon Master has to be a mega dick to put this in an adventure. Of course they're all huge dicks, including me when I DM.

Zack: Absolute pretend-power pretend-corrupts pretend-absolutely. Although I can see a place for the Obliviax in the drug trade. Getting your memories eaten and then eating someone else's memories by chewing on some moss has got to get you high.

Steve: Duuuuude you will not believe the Obliviax I ate last night at Bongo's party!

Zack: I don't remember my parent's faces, but now I know how to play the recorder.

Steve: It kept screaming and thrashing around the whole time we were eating it. It was so messed up, but also awesome.

Zack: Turned on the blacklight. Played Dark Side of the Moon. Remembered winning an arm-wrestling contest. Way better than that Obliviax Dave scored last week. It was all stems and childhood sexual trauma.

Steve: Oh yeah dude, I think his dealer cut that stuff with crushed up Alzheimer's drugs and stripper memories.

More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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