Never content to let anything just be, the Something Awful Forum Goons have turned their attention to downgrading the world around them. What does that mean exactly? Well, it means they've taken images covering everything from real life to movies, and subtracted a little bit of the magic. The end result is a depressing and distressing nightmare that will eat away at your soul for days to come, if not drive you to suicide. Unless of course you enjoy silly pictures, in which case you might enjoy it.

Phineas may or may not have made this image and started this theme. We will probably never know?????

Bloody Holly is hoping this image does well in New Hampshire.

By Bluecobra's logic, ugly is a step up from pretty????

I guess this is better than no escape. Wishing you all the best in 2008, Squish! Stay COOL!!

miss sagoon delivers this dire advisory!

More Photoshop Phriday

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    Pardon Our Dust

    Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.



    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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