Patch Notes: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Encountered a bug but didn't have the tool to fix it. Noted the location, continued along another path.

Discovered the tool to fix above bug. Backtracked to remove the obstacle, discovering an entirely new branch of code.

Following this new branch of code led us to another bug we didn't have the tool to fix. Noted the location, continued along another path.

Repeated these steps for around twelve hours.

Patch Notes: Super Mario Maker 2


Added Mario

Added movement controls

Added a jump button

Added ground tiles

Added mushroom guys

Added the ability to create levels

Removed unskippable intro screen, a video of Charles Martinet shouting "Super Mario Maker 2!" but stretching out his delivery of the line so it lasts nearly nine hours


Fixed a glitch in which Mario always screams in pain when he becomes a shoe - not by stopping the screaming (it persists) but by muting it so the player doesn't know it's happening

Fixed a glitch in which Mario always screams in pain when he becomes a large man - not by stopping the screaming (it persists) but by muting it so the player doesn't know it's happening

Fixed a glitch in which Mario always screams in pain when he becomes a human pulsar - not by stopping the screaming (it persists) but by muting it so the player doesn't know it's happening

Fixed a glitch in which Mario always screams in pain when he becomes a construction worker - not by stopping the screaming (it persists) but by muting it so the player doesn't know it's happening


Holding right on the d-pad no longer causes Mario to tiptoe forward, every movement an obvious struggle to overcome excruciating pain

Holding left on the d-pad no longer causes Mario to shudder as he is pulled directly backwards by an invisible force

Holding down on the d-pad no longer causes Mario to curl up into a ball and whimper pitifully

Pressing the jump button no longer causes Mario to be violently wrenched into the air by one wrist

All of the above still happen to the real Mario. His misery is just hidden by a false Mario placed directly between him and the player.

– Dennis "Corin Tucker's Stalker" Farrell (@DennisFarrell)

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