How to Host a Mystery!, submitted by Intrepid00. This quote pretty much sums it all up: "These are pictures from the Star Trek: The Next Generation "How to Host a Mystery" party that Britta hosted at her apartment on April 28th, 2002..." Why yes, yes these are indeed pictures from the Star Trek: The Next Generation "How to Host a Mystery" party that Britta hosted at her apartment on April 28th, 2002. Unfortunately, the questions "why did she host such a thing at her apartment on April 28th, 2002, or any other date" and "what is wrong with these people" spring to mind, with no easily available answers in sight. But hey, there's this thing:"WE'RE HAVING A TV PARTY!!!"

Beautiful, gracious and intelligent, Deanna's duties as Ship Counselor require her to be alert to the temperaments and emotional states of visitors and crew.

Wait a minute! Nowhere in there does it say she's fat! Perhaps that's the mystery.

– Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka (@TwitterHasBannedAllMyAccountsEver)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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