Love and romance is a complicated topic, and there's plenty of professionals with insight and experience, willing and ready to lend a hand to this most confounding of topics. While people throughout the course of human history have their own perspective on it, everyone in the grand spectrum of time can agree on one thing: Dan and Jennifer are morons.
In case you were wondering "When should I take down my online dating profile?" and you didn't immediately think, "When I'm no longer single," then... wow. What did you think the point of it was? And I guess you can listen to Dan and Jenn except they make really awkward jokes like "Men are dogs!" and then ask the Internet for its advice, in the form of YouTube comments... which is sorta backwards from the whole point of the video, I'd think, but what do I know? Besides infinitely more than Dan, I mean.
I hate to take a cheap parting shot, but it's also pretty obvious Jenn wears the pants in this relationship because look at that damn drink in front of Dan. Yeah, I know, gender stereotypes and all, but seriously Dan, Gertrude Stein would call you a sissy-boy and then punch you square in the mouth. And we'd all be grateful, because everyone wanted to.
Online Dating - How Soon Should You Take Down Your Profile?
![]() Description: So when is the "right time" to take down that online dating profile? User: DanAndJenn Views: 55,238 Best Viewer Comment: Your losing the hair Dan (Dan's response: it's been slowly going that way for 10 yrs, lol. high virility, what can you do... :-) (slowbeef's response: You have a Sex n' the City drink in front of you, pal.) |
That does it for this week at the Webcam Ward and if you run into a downright horrible video on the world wide web, let us know!
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Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
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Long before the internet, very boring people created very boring home videos. Thanks to cheap bandwidth and fast internet connections, these people are not only able to share their horrid disasters with the rest of the world, but they are actually encouraged to make more! The Webcam Ward is staffed with the finest internet guardians, all ready and willing to draw a line in the sand and shame the shameless into video retirement.
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