Being an incredibly attractive and physically fit person, it should come as no surprise to you that fat people disgust me. I bust my ass to retain my washboard abs and impeccable physique, so when I walk past some half ton behemoth double-fisting Big Macs, it throws me into a fucking rage bro. And to make things worse, I see that they've built themselves a little community where they are INTENTIONALLY GETTING FATTER. Unacceptable! I've probably burned 2000 calories just writing this Weekend Web from all of the anger and sweating. Anyways, enjoy the words while I go hit up the gym.

Quite possibly the most hysterical joke I have ever heard. A pinnacle of comedy in every way imaginable.

Chicks dig it.

Yea but do they have 8X dragon shirts?

Two groups of unattractive shut-ins getting along? Impossible!

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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