F3 is a forum about girls, dickgirls. It's so pathetic that it doesn't even have a domain name. No nameserver could ever contain what lies within. You'll find the usual images where a gelatinous blob sucks off a girl with three dicks that keep growing and growing until she has to lug them around like a suitcase. But you'll also find a deep insight into the world of "futanari", the fetish of kings. Behold as these men question their values in the face of adversity but unite in the end to promote the gloriousness of dickgirls, and show us all how to love again.


I'm not sure about that "The Moderate". Jerking off to anime drawings of girls with penises that have smaller penises coming out the tip would adequately explain why you don't have a girlfriend.

They should have a dating site for people with Asperger's. ADate.

It would be awesome for you to meet a girl who likes dickgirls as much as you, but I don't think the foundation of your house was built for that kind of load.

There can never be too much cum in my futa fantasies!

What a way to ring in the New Year.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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