Giving everybody the power to upload video for the entire world to watch was a great idea. Now there are video links all over the place and you can thank sites like YouTube for turning the Internet into a TV that gets a million horrible channels. But even with so much junk, there are still videos worth a look. Instead of reposting those popular "viral" videos you've probably already seen, the forum goons dug around for a handful of somewhat lesser-known ones you likely haven't seen before. They range from nerdy to interesting to absolutely gross and creepy.

The first 3 or 4 are work-safe, the rest probably aren't. Consider yourself warned. Enjoy!
Modern Starfleet Officer posted by dallaswv
Found by SirChumpsalot

User's description: A karaoke filk song that I did one night.

Real description: "dallaswv" takes us on a musical journey that cuts up the fabric of time, space and a couple of perfectly good t-shirts. Our hero, whose rank appears to be earned through his skillful use of a BeDazzler, sings his Star Trek anthem with a MIDI accompaniment, then spends about 12 seconds looking smugly down on us as if we owe him something. We do, it's called pity.

User rating: 2 stars

"Ur song is Awsome ^_^" - AnimeExtremist

"Sadly I understood everything he was talking about.
I like the songs of Kelis myself and Paresi Squares kicks ass." - ZStarrett
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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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