So many sites focus superficially on attractive women, without showing concern for their fundamental needs. For example, are these ladies consuming enough nutrients? Do they reserve time in their busy schedules for a protein-rich snack they can devour without time-wasting utensils? Hot Chicks Eating Tacos assures you that they do!

"Taco" comes from Mexican Spanish words meaning "plug or wad used to fill a hole." Given the lurid connotations of such a description, it's obvious why etymology fetishists find this site erotic. Also, celebrity chasers can browse a gallery that includes a toxic reality-TV byproduct, a 2007 Playmate and "Jennifer Lopez" in the form of a 6-year-old South Park clip. It's unclear why anyone else would give a shit about these mundane pictures, except the "Virtual Taco Eating" images, because Internet cretins will masturbate to Second Life avatars doing absolutely anything.

– Andrew "Garbage Day" Miller

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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