In this very special Photoshop Phriday, we explore the best entries from four different Photoshop threads floating around the SA Forums. Each thread was started by a different Goon, and for the most part met with success. However, they did not produce the usual Photoshop Phriday volume so together they share the spotlight.

"Albrot" has some strange demonic powers:

"Arken" brings us a chilling vision of terror. It sure is something!

Well, I'd buy this album even if "Brad Lee" made it:

"Chester Copperpot" has quite the imagination:

I have no idea what's going on here, but it has got Norman Fell and that's good I guess. "cosmo" saves us all:

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

About This Column

Photoshop Phriday showcases the tremendous image manipulation talents of the Something Awful Forum Goons. Each week they tackle a new theme, parodying movies, video games, comics, history, and anything else you can think of. If you want in on the action, join us on the Something Awful Forums!

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