Welcome to the Webcam Ward where we magically make the unwatchable watchable! In this week's update, we have a very special double feature of some kid cosplaying in the woods! Diabetus returns once more to lend us a hand and be sure to check the second page for the thrilling sequel to this video!

The Witcher

Description: "An Awesome video that I directed starring James Buck and Sean Bowes. Comments are appreciated"
User: stamper1000
Rating: 4.5 / 5 (2 Votes)
Views: 95

Best Viewer Comment: Tim4PM: "awesome u need 2 do more videos"

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

About This Column

Long before the internet, very boring people created very boring home videos. Thanks to cheap bandwidth and fast internet connections, these people are not only able to share their horrid disasters with the rest of the world, but they are actually encouraged to make more! The Webcam Ward is staffed with the finest internet guardians, all ready and willing to draw a line in the sand and shame the shameless into video retirement.

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