Jesus Christ I don't even have to write a caption for this one.

My hobbies include hanging out in women's restrooms with a video camera.

Ahaha like this dork is ever going to find out how good people are "on the inside."

It wouldn't be such a hell hole if you turned a god damn light on.

Aww man whats goin' on? Woah look at my hand... man...

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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"Free" MMORPGs have grown in popularity to the point of supersaturation. How on Earth can one person possibly play them all and determine the best platform for painfully long level grinding, illiterate online communities, and fatal bugs? MMO Roulette examines a different online "free" role playing game every other week, providing you the lowdown on each. Every chamber is loaded when you play MMO Roulette.

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