The Official Website Of Michael Vick - While it's easy to kick a guy when he's down or hang a dog then hold its head in a bucket of water or electrocute it or just slam it against the ground, I'm going to run this Awful Link anyway. Mostly just because I like the last news update.

January 18

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "One thing's certain; quarterback Michael Vick is not getting traded. He's not getting cut. He's not going anywhere. Barring injury, Vick is the Falcons' starting quarterback."

Be sure to send in your $30 to join the Vick fan club today. Membership includes a Todd McFarlane figure which, unfortunately, is a generic "guy running with a ball" deal. If McFarlane had stuck to his usual motif of chains + blood + evil smile/glowing eyes, he might have created something disturbing for the first time in his life.

– Dennis "Corin Tucker's Stalker" Farrell (@DennisFarrell)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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