This week the SA Forum Goons were tasked with the goal of creating pictures that featured elements dangerously out of place. In more practical terms, they were to create scenes where somebody or something clearly did not belong, such as an SA staffer and the great outdoors. Thankfully they spared us that horrific vision, and instead dumped a metric rhinoceros rectum worth of pictures on our laps. I realize I'm not good with words, so I'll shut up and let you look at the nice pictures.

I see nothing wrong with this "Homagnet" image celebrating one of the U.S. postal service's finest customers.

"StovepipeBender's" contribution can be summed up in two words: tastefully erotic.

"Cap N' Crunch" presents this startling Mushroom Kingdom alternate reality scenario:

"Sgt. Zeno" paints a picture of a happy corporate family:

"Unkempt" likes it hot and occular!

More Photoshop Phriday

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    Pardon Our Dust

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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