I find this whole Internet thing goes over a lot better if you don't try to understand the people on it.


Yeah that's right, Dimensions. The folks at this forum realized there are three and decided to make the most of them by becoming as grotesquely obese as possible.

I don't know what the hell is going on in this story but it sounds positively puketastic.

The problem is society, man. Society.

Maybe "MisticalMisty" can call up Wild and Crazy Kids to get a couple of those water balloon slingshots tied together.

This is the image they're up in arms about. It's an opinion and I don't see anything terribly wrong with it.

Hey, Disneyland. That's kind of a coincidence because "Delaney's" first day of having a proper diet and exercise keeps getting pushed back magically to Tomorrowland.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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