One day... I hope... I forget... SongMeanings ever existed...


"Compuwiz19" is about to escape his troubles in a frenzy of anime, soda, and Internet.

Maynard is what I call a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard and yes, it is genius.

"The Orgy Master" takes a break from having sex with a lot of people to use the computer and fill us in.

What does this have to do with "Help Me, Rhonda"?

That's all the soul searching I can handle for this week. Thanks to my forum friends Marxux, Tumnus, Puma Man, Smacklug, Only Shapes, 19, altruinomics, Bounce, Max The Horrible, The Admiral, Laser Soup, keep punching joe, bigbillystyle, Closeknees, Manner Please, vozz, ultimatefat, John Mirra, handsome, jackelope, and WorkinClassZero.

Know of a rotten forum that could be featured in a future Weekend Web? Please send me a link!

– Johnny "Doc Evil" Titanium (@fart)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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