The text is too small but it's worth reading anyway. Really serious stuff here folks.

These questions are best left to a medical professional.

A little maturity goes a long way, ON A ZOMBIE ROLE-PLAYING FORUM.

Notice he never went to a doctor.

If anyone knows what the hell this guy is talking about please email me.

We interrupt this segment of Weekend Web for a word from our sponsor.

There's already a thread about this.

A guy on the zombie forum calling the guys on the vampire forum loony. That's rich.

Special thanks to Baby Hobo, Scrios, Dr. Bluman, Bag of Glass, Lamont Cranston, Eustace Tilly, Dr. Dos, IveMadeSnacks, blinking beacon nose, Kauka, doublehawk, nutmeg bomber, Pro Target, Apology, Poopischord, Chasie, blub blub, John Mirra, Turky, Spinich Chew, vlad3217, HulkaMatt, Tuxedo, Ion Agenda, Capntastic, Dharma Chameleon, Hardcore Sax and Winter Bonfire Sacrifice. These BYOB guys sure do have wacky usernames, don't they?

– Hassan "Acetone" Mikal

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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