Zack: *Slams a Schlitz, charges screaming out of a Bay View alley into the parking lot of a Culver's*

Steve: I've never been to Milwaukee, but this picture looks like hobo school just let out for the year.

Zack: A real hobo knows that school never ends. The hard college of hobo life. The University of the Rails.

Steve: It probably ends when you get turned into a hobo vampire by another evil hobo.

Zack: Then you just go straight to vampire school, which is even worse. You need lots of math credits.

Steve: What if you're a vampire hobo twink?

Zack: If such a splendorous creature were to exist it would probably be on a leash in the back of a train car hauling antiques. Just listen for the techno music.

More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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