I can help you. Just get into this straightjacket. Ah yes, that's a good boy.

If this were Minority Report, "FattyArbuckle" would be on death row.

He's serious folks.

I seduced my ant.

I found a great site for incest crossdressing rape stories. Check it out here.

I'm chewing on my credit card right now.

What if a child has sex with an adult? What then, huh?

I fake my organisms.

I'm scratching my balls.

Special thanks to my FYAD friends for contributing to this report.

Do you know of an awful forum that should be included in a future update? Send in a link!

513 programmers died in the time it took to write this feature. Stop the killings. Stop George Broussard before it's too late.

– Zachary "Spokker Jones" Gutierrez

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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