Zack: I wonder how many people committed suicide because of this book.

Steve: Probably nobody, but I bet there are a couple dudes out there who get off on chicks with big hooters and animal heads.

Zack: You think there are a couple guys like that?

Steve: Maybe three or four?

Zack: I blame the tits in the early D&D books and Rescue Rangers for pretty much ruining an entire generation of Americans.

Steve: I never liked Rescue Rangers. TaleSpin was more my thing.

Zack: Then you're probably fine.

Steve: Nope, I broke my collarbone trying to ride a surfboard off my roof while holding onto a kite. And while I was in the hospital overnight I thought about the Gynosphinx from the Monster Manual.

Zack: Did she have a lobster head?

Steve: No, head and rack of a woman. The rest of her was a lion. Except for she had angel wings.

Zack: Then you're fine!

– Zack Parsons and Steve "Malak" Sumner (@sexyfacts4u)

More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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