Marilyn Manson Forum

Marilyn Manson is a smart, talented, and successful person. It makes me wonder why his fans are all so dippy.

You're probably laughing at the guy but he's got full funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Oh come on, you read that off the back of a cereal box.

This story should have ended with, "And we fell down the mountain and died.

Hyuck hyuck hyuck!

If you listen to anyone other than Manson he sends a hitman to your house and eats all your gravy.

You can also orgasm multiple times you dumb broad.

Goddamn kids and your music!

I was going to condemn this guy for cutting himself but I often let my cat fight with my arm and that's pretty much the same thing isn't it? Well maybe not, I'm doing it because it's fun to fight with cats.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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