Furrs for Christ is a Christian furry community. If God isn't already embarrassed by the human race, then he is now. I'm sure the other gods tease him and point to the furry forums and say, "HEY GOD YOUR WORSHIPERS ARE FUCKING EACH OTHER WITH WHALE-SHAPED DILDOS AGAIN!" and laugh. Poor God.

If only rock music inspired youth to go out and dress up as foxes and have sex with each other.

Famous last words: "Would like some constructive criticism."

Jesus died for the furry community's many, many sins.

Angels are just like the Matrix Reloaded, yes. In fact that's where God got the idea for angels.

Love is great if you're not batshit insane.

The typical Wii owner.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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