After the success of the recent Finish Garfield's Picture Goldmine (any article which doesn't lead to my death via mob lynching is considered a success), I couldn't ignore the demands to cover similar ground. We've already taken a look at still images depicting the crazy adventures of Garfield and his sandwich, but now it's time to enjoy some moving pictures based on the same subject, courtesy of the talent bunch of forum goons. Get ready for a cat-astrophe that will leave Jim Davis vomiting blood in anger!

This is the original image that Shmorky discovered a few weeks ago. It may look familiar to you if you've been paying attention.

The first two animated images come to you from BeefofAges, who just can't get enough of sandwiches!

FuriousThird made this contribution to give me my first seizure since I stopped watching Pokemon.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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