Family dining mega-chain Applebees offers fried food to clog the arteries of America's heartland. I performed a bypass and went over the head of my server to take my complaints straight to corporate.
![]() Applebees,
The waitress at your store made me take off my shirt before she would take my order. I ordered the blooming onion and it was delicious. Now my chest hair is matted with ranch dipping sauce and I'm beset by gnats. Thanks, but "no thanks," if you know what I mean. Very truly yours, Zack Parsons |
Everyone knows McDonald's and their reputation, but did you know that McDonald's will not deliver their food? I know! What an outrage!
![]() Howdy McDonald's,
I called back after the rodeo and asked why you didn't deliver to the rodeo (because no one ever brought my Big Mac) and you said, "McDonald's doesn't deliver!" and I said, "Heh, you got that right. You sure don't." I emphasized the last two words just like that. Then you hung up again. Who are you to say you won't deliver to the rodeo? PS - Bring back the McWrist Deluxe. |
America's largest donut chain, Dunkin Donuts, has been stuffing the gullets of bleary eyed early-risers for decades. Now it's time to stuff something back into their evil corporate maw!
![]() Hail and well met, Dunkin Donut!
The dull-eyed Hindi sow stationed behind the enlardener has barely the intellect to form the words professing her establishment's inadequacy, let alone put one clopper afore the next and chart a course to the nearest undumbfucker machine. She could drain the stupefying untouchable sperm from that syphilitic cyst of curry and wet papadums she calls a brain and set about the task of rectifying this entirely unacceptable situation. Alack, no, she opts to stare at me with the slack look of a vacant Hallow'een mask as the last dregs of boiling kaffee empty across my chin! Therefore, I lodge a complaint. Consider yourself the recipient of this electronic capsule containing but a small crumb of this feast that is my wroth. Dare ye, Dunkin Donut - if that is your name - dare ye ignore this complaint? I have been accused of many atrocities in my day, myriad and sunderful misdeeds, but I have never been accused of possessing a surfeit of forgiveness. Yo, peace out! Dr. Bok Bagok |
My complaints have not yet generated a response. I'm sure these five establishments are just waiting for the right moment to begin their restructuring.
Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.
Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
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