Fur is a gateway fetish. It leads to even more disgusting fetishes that, combined with the base furry fetish, lead to even more disgusting super hybrid fetishes. Many furries are also into diapers, unbirthing, and BDSM. A furry favorite is inflatism where they like to be inflated by food or air and then popped. As if these people weren't fat enough.

There is something for everyone at the Inflatable Furry Hub.

Yeah I'm no freak. Popping is disgusting! Inflating to infinite sizes is so much more attractive.

I feel the same way about pooping.

I think severe emotional trauma experienced as a child would explain it better.

Edgy sig.

FURRY INFLATION RAPE. Now that is one powerful hybrid fetish.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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