Steve: Tornado man hates cones.

Zack: Are we on the same page on this font shit yet?

Steve: I don't know dude, I was more interested in the fact that tornado man has tornado thumbs. Like, he can open tornado doors.

Zack: So this giant, evil Michelin Man is the equivalent of a storm god throwing the Xbox controller at the TV.

Steve: Yeah, if the Xbox controller was like hundreds of feet tall and destroying cities.

Zack: I'm afraid it's much worse than that, Steve. Xbox controllers are destroying an entire generation of our tweens with a sedentary lifestyle.

Steve: But Xbox totally makes up for that by preparing them for a lifetime of low level tech supporting by yelling horrible things at strangers over their headsets.

Zack: If you're wondering how you fight something like this thing, well, here's how Craig thinks it would go down:
Zack: Wow, what a blast. Prior to combat buff this monster like crazy then roll to attack everyone all at once and cast multiple spells per round. Then summon another giant, super-powerful monster that also does eight things a turn.

Steve: Yeah, but the imagery of devastation is wicked.

Zack: It's a cartoon tornado fist-fighting trees.
More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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