
A fleshlight is a fancy rubberized plastic tube that guys can buy to have sex with, and when they're done with that they post on the Internet about how great it was humping something that looks like a Maglite. You can't make this stuff up.

How could anyone forget about "dre" at a time like this?

Please don't try to legitimize your love affair with a sex toy. It demeans all of us.

I take it "FreeAtLast" never tried couples counseling.

I saw an episode of Star Trek where they made it very clear the Vulcan guy was going to use the holodeck for sex and I thought, "Well no shit," but I don't remember what happened after that.

"2pumpblow" couldn't find anyone else to tell so he told us.

Ah good, the couch-humping post. I thought it would never get here.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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