Let everyone know you failed to mature into a grown adult by proudly displaying the star of kids' movie WALL-E in your home or office.

That's either a hell of a small witch or one huge fucking broom.

Finally, let's celebrate the triumph of our old friend over the vicious pack of babies that threatened to destroy him.

What a lovely collection of figurines made with metal and fire! I encourage everyone to try and make some of your own, with no regards for the health and safety of yourself or others. Thanks to jovial_cynic for using his wonderful talents for our amusement, and I must also extend my appreciation towards all the forum goons who inspired these creations with their ideas. Next week's Goldmine will feature another dangerous activity that threatens the well-being of everyone involved, all for the approval of the internet. Slap on a pair of safety goggles and join me again next Tuesday!

– Craig "Rust" Russell

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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