If the forum JustUsBoys teaches us anything it's that homosexual men are just like heterosexual men, they are completely and utterly disgusting. This forum isn't just gay, it's Internet gay. If XXX Porn Talk was all about men degrading women, JustUsBoys is about men degrading men.

Wake up. Self-suck. Take a shower. Self-suck. Go to work. Self-suck. Come home. Self suck. Eat dinner. Self-suck. Watch TV. Self-suck. Go to sleep. Self-suck. Life is good.

Thank you for the insightful commentary.

I don't even know who those guys are. At least if you're going to talk about the men you want to blow a load in your mouth, pick some dudes we'd all recognize.

It's kinda off that when a gay dude tells a ghost story the story has homoerotic elements to it.

If you have to ask "Does this make me gay?" the answer is yes.

Words to live by.

Yeah, that's what I thought it meant.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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